If you clicked on this article, girl, I feel ya! Being quite lazy myself a lot of the time, lazy girl hacks to lose weight are my favorite way to do it.
A healthy lifestyle doesn’t have to be complicated. The most important thing is to make simple diet tweaks if you want to lose weight quickly and keep it off.
These weight loss hacks don’t require very much effort, or doing an intense workout every day – all it takes is just some planning and consistency.
Now, I am by no means a doctor or a nutritional specialist, so please consult your doctor before making any changes to your diet or your regular routine. These are simply some hacks that I personally use whenever I need to lose some pounds and they work great for me.
Let’s begin – here are my favorite losing weight tricks (without exercise)!
Lazy Girl Hacks to Lose Weight
1. Drink a glass of water before meals
Staying hydrated is the key to feeling full!
Have you noticed that sometimes you think you’re hungry, but you drink a big glass of cold water, and the hunger miraculously diminishes?
Water fills you up without the extra calories.
Make sure to drink plenty of water throughout the day, and have a glass before your regular meals. That’s a great way for us lazy girls to cut down on how much we eat.
We recommend:
2. Eat more protein
Protein first – that’s the rule I always stick to and it is definitely an easy way to trick yourself into feeling full while eating fewer calories.
When you’re planning your next meal, make sure that there is plenty of protein in it.
Chicken, fish, beans, tofu, eggs, and greek yogurt are all good examples of protein sources that can help you reach your weight loss goals.
Related: How to Incorporate More Protein in Your Diet
3. Keep healthy meals in the freezer
It is easy to stick to your new habits when you first change your diet because you’re still excited and haven’t started feeling cravings for unhealthy foods.
But sooner or later something or someone tempts us and we often succumb to the temptation of fast food.
I don’t know about you, but I personally can’t be bothered to cook on some days. Maybe you’ve had a long day at work or your fridge is just a little bit empty and you’re lacking imagination.
To avoid the temptation of ordering unhealthy fast food on days like this, make sure to always have healthy meals in your freezer that you can just throw into your microwave.
You can make extra food when you’re cooking, portion it out into freezer bags, and voila – you have healthy dinners ready in minutes even when you don’t feel like cooking!
We recommend:
4. Use smaller plates
Portion control is super important when you’re trying to shed those extra pounds! If you are truly lazy (like me) and find that you just cannot stick to calorie counting, this is a tip for you.
Using a small plate makes your meal look like it’s a bigger portion, which tricks your mind and helps you cut down on how much you eat.
The thing is – you’re not actually starving yourself. When we use a large plate, we often fill it up with more food than what our bodies actually need at that moment.
Using smaller plates and bowls is an easy hack to cut down on how much you eat and lose weight.
Related: How to Stop Being Lazy and Start Exercising
5. Keep healthy sweet foods at home
If you have a sweet tooth, and you find yourself craving a candy bar quite often, stock up on healthy sweet foods as a substitute.
In my kitchen, I always have grapes, berries, and fresh fruit such as apples, oranges, and bananas.
I make sure they are beautifully displayed and easy to access.
This helps me so much when I feel like having a sugary snack. Stock up on fruits and berries that you like the most. You can also use dried fruit or frozen berries – just mix them with some greek yogurt and you have yourself a delicious sweet snack!
6. Drink black coffee and green tea
Black coffee can be a great appetite suppressant and give you that energy boost without actually consuming any calories. If black coffee is not for you, try green tea.
I personally love good quality green tea. You can find so many different flavors of green tea in specialized tea shops, and some of them are absolutely delicious.
Drinking green tea or black coffee is one of the best things when you need that little pick-me-up for zero calories.
Related: 10 Lazy Girl Workouts That Are Easy To Do Every Day
7. Keep low-calorie snacks handy
Another cool lazy weight loss trick is to stock up on healthy snacks that are low in calories.
It’s all about planning and preparing for the times when you start craving something unhealthy.
Having only healthy and low-calorie snacks at home will really help you to avoid temptation.
Examples of such snacks can be carrot sticks, popcorn, yogurt, edamame beans, nuts (a small portion), fruits, a protein bar, a few cheese strings, cottage cheese, berries, or even a boiled egg.
8. Get enough sleep
Not getting enough sleep can really mess with your body.
When we’re tired and cranky, we can actually feel more hungry than when we get plenty of sleep.
I also notice that when I don’t get my usual 8 hours of sleep, my mind is much more tempted by highly processed, fatty, and sugary foods.
Getting a good night’s sleep in can really help you to feel less hungry and to stay on track with your weight loss.
9. Meal prep
Set aside one afternoon or evening per week and meal prep as much as you can.
If you have all your meals in the fridge throughout the week, you are much more likely to stick to your plan.
Cooking everything in advance is the best way to stick to the diet that you want to stick to.
After all, it would be such a waste to let all that food and effort go to waste, wouldn’t it? It also frees you up in the coming week as you don’t have to cook every day – double win!
We recommend:
Related: 17 Foods You Should Eat If You Want a Flat Stomach
10. Eat plenty of fiber
Fiber is another amazing trick to make yourself feel fuller for longer without consuming too many calories.
Foods high in fiber are highly beneficial for us and we should include them in our diets as much as we can.
Fibrous food really helps you stay full, so it’s great for weight loss!
My favorite staple foods high in fiber are vegetables, oats, lentils, beans, chickpeas, quinoa, fruits, and whole-grain pasta.
11. Skip breakfast (intermittent fasting)
There is a lot of buzz around intermittent fasting out there, and I highly recommend you do your own research on it.
It can definitely be an effective way to lose some pounds and maintain a healthy weight afterward as well.
I prefer to skip breakfast on workdays and have my eating window in the second part of the day.
This also ties in with mindful eating for me, as I don’t naturally feel hungry first thing in the morning, but you can adjust the eating window to whatever suits your lifestyle!
12. Walk 30 minutes every day
You don’t need to do high-intensity interval training 5 times a week to become healthier and lose some weight.
Of course, exercise is good for you, but if working out feels just a little too overwhelming right now, try going for a walk instead.
Any movement is better than no movement, and walking is really great for you!
A simple daily 30-minute walk to work, to an appointment, or just around the block can help you get some steps in and expend some calories as well.
Related: 15 Healthy Snacks That Will Help You Get Fit
13. Skip the empty calories
A lot of us regularly consume drinks that contain a significant amount of calories but barely any nutritional value.
Steer clear of these if your goal is to lose weight!
Sugary sodas, alcoholic drinks and cocktails, energy drinks – if these are part of your diet, you’re basically drinking your calories and not getting much nutritional value out of them.
Avoid consuming your calories in a form that doesn’t provide much nutrition to your body.
14. Get cute workout clothes
Okay, I promised you lazy weight loss hacks without vigorous exercise, but if you do want to incorporate some movement, I find that having cute workout outfits can really motivate you.
You can even put on workout clothes to deep clean your house as a form of workout – any movement is good!
Getting yourself a few aesthetic workout outfits really makes you want to put them on and move more, which is always helpful for weight loss, and that in turn makes you want to eat healthier, which creates a healthy cycle!
We recommend:
15. Bring a shopping list to the grocery store
Never go grocery shopping without a shopping list.
Think about what you’re going to cook for next week, what healthy snacks you need, and what are you running low on.
Make a list that will help you stay on track with your diet, and then stick to the list.
If you are winging it when you go to the store, you are likely to forget something or grab stuff impulsively. Meal planning and shopping planning need to go hand-in-hand!
Summary – How to Lose Weight When You’re Lazy
And there you go – the easiest weight loss hacks that can really make a difference for us lazy girls!
Are you using any of these “cheat ways” to lose weight? I say “cheat”, because it really doesn’t feel like much effort when you’re doing it, but in the end, all the little steps add up and you can really see significant results!
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